Take a load off your hands while walking with your four legged friend! Check out the two different clips (mini, right & hip, left) able to fit every dog family's needs.


Don’t let this be you!

Don't get caught holding poop bags while talking on the phone, tying bags in pant loops or holding it and the leash in the same hand. There is plenty of things to carry don't let dog poop be one of them.

Take a load off with the Sheit Clip

Strong quality plastic with multiple attachment styles.

Each Sheit Clip can hold multiple used waste bags at a time.

No more carry dog waste in your hands!

Find which clip fits your needs the best!

Pick your leash type?

Pick your walking style?

Pick a Sheit Clip!

At Sheit Clip we know the pleasure of stress free dog walks. In order to do that, you need the Sheit Clip. The problem is carrying dog poop is kind of gross. We believe the Sheit Clip will improve picking up after your dog. We understand juggling poop bags, leash(s), phone, stroller, dog(s), children, significant other, etc can be chaotic. Which is why we developed the Sheit Clip. Answer these simple questions and you'll be on your way to less chaotic dog walks. Get your Sheit Clip now to stop juggling poop on walks with your best friend.

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